Publication details

Knihovny v době komunistické totality : na příkladu knihoven ve Znojmě a Břeclavi, s přihlédnutím k tvorbě a recepci Vaška Káni a Jaroslava Freye

Title in English Libraries at the time of communist totality : on the example of libraries in Znojmo and Břeclav, taking into account the creation and reception of Vašek Káňa and Jaroslav Frey


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source ProInflow
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Břeclav; Znojmo; censorship; Fučík's badge; Vašek Káňa; Jaroslav Frey; structuralism; communism; totalitarianism
Description Area libraries functioning in times of communist totalitarianism are among the topics which it is possible to pay attention from different angles. Understanding the functioning and determinants of the existence of libraries at this time is also one of the keys to the broader reflection of communism as a historical stage in the development of the Czech Republic, while at the same time enabling a better understanding of how libraries work and look today. The research study seeks to provide a wider contextual insight into the issue. As part of a research study with work starting points structuralist historiography - based on the study of archival materials two specific libraries in South Moravia and literary-historical interpretations of the two authors try to show some aspects of the functioning of libraries and work with the Literary Fund. We do not follow the "great history" of the entire evolution of librarianship, but by focusing on concrete examples, we try to show some plasticity of this historical period. In historiography we also use work with archival sources, interpretation and literary-historical interpretation. In the text, attention is paid to libraries in Znojmo and Břeclav, using the archive research of KISK students at the Faculty of Arts. We focus primarily on events that are associated with the library as a cultural and educational institution in a certain social context, and on their work with the fund. This view is complemented by a look at two typical period figures, Vašek Káňa and Jaroslav Frey. The paper offers an approach combining different research methods and creating a new space for the research of the everyday life of two selected libraries, understood in a wider literary-historical context.
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