Publication details

The Environmental-Legal Limits of the Recreational Potential of Municipality



Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Public recreation and landscape protection - with nature hand in hand!
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access sborníku
Keywords municipality; territorial planning; national park; recreation; environmental-legal limits and limits
Attached files
Description The recreational potential of the territory includes not only local conditions in terms of factual natural conditions, but also legal conditions and possibilities (i.e. set by legislation). The municipality is a body which both sets and carries out the exploitation of the recreational potential of its territory. The conceptual use of the recreational potential of the municipal territory should be reflected in the municipal planning. This should be then followed by the exploitation of the recreational potential, which - as well as the zone planning itself - is limited by the increasing demands for legal protection of the specially protected areas in the Czech Republic, if the municipality is located in there. On 1 June 2017, the amended Act No. 114/1992 Sb. on Nature and Landscape Protection, published in the Collection of Laws as No. 123/2017 Sb. (hereinafter "the Amendment"), came into force. The legal regulation of specially protected areas has undergone fundamental changes that affect municipalities, in particular. Our paper deals with the environmental-legal limits of municipalities located in specially protected areas, namely national parks, when exploiting the recreational potential of their territories.
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