Publication details

Flexibilidad del docente universitario: reflexiones en torno a la evaluación portafolios

Title in English Teacher´s flexibility and availability to respond to students´ assessment and evaluation


Year of publication 2017
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Language Centre

Description Teacher´s flexibility and availability to respond to students´ assessment and evaluation in diverse ways is indispensable in the university context. This paper presents aspects selected for the development of a portfolio evaluation tool for courses of Spanish as a foreign language for non-philological students at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. It shares the experience with the development of the portfolios for the courses of Spanish as a foreign language and the criteria adopted in order to respect the curricular objectives of the programme, to meet students´ needs and to provide different materials and activities that can also help the students to identify language skills they have developed. Specific portfolios used in the courses of Spanish as a foreign language between February and May 2017 will be reflected upon and advantages and disadvantages of the portfolio evaluation in the academic context will be identified and analysed.The reception of the portfolio evaluation tools by the students will also be discussed in detail. In general, this presentation shows the need for a flexible tool that allows to evaluate students of different courses and levels with the aim to enhance their participation in the evaluation of their own work.

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