Publication details

The forebody organisation in Paradiplozoon homoion: A microscopic study

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Year of publication 2018
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description The family Diplozoidae (Monogenea), including investigated species Paradiplozoon homoion, represent blood-feeding gill ectoparasites of freshwater fish. They exhibit unusual body organisation and life cycle involving a permanent fusion of two larval worms and their subsequent transformation into one individual. Using a combined approach of confocal and electron microscopy, this study focused on the parasite forebody. Special attention was given to parasite’s nervous, excretory and digestive systems. Labelling of filamentous actin with fluorescent phalloidin revealed the musculature of the body wall, buccal suckers and the pharynx. Staining with chloride carmine or counterstaining with DAPI proved to be powerful tools for confocal microscopic detection of various cell types including putative gland cells. Immunofluorescent detection of alfa-tubulin showed to be suitable for visualisation of excretory system and some parts of nervous system.
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