Publication details

Teacher Assistant as One of the Supportive Measures of Inclusive Education of Pupils with Special Educational Needs



Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source The Educational Review, USA
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords Inclusive Education; Pupil with Special Educational Needs; Supportive Measures; Teacher Assistant; Mainstream School
Description Inclusive education is a current topic trying to implement the most suitable and effec-tive techniques and strategies into the education process of all pupils. As one of the pillars of inclusive education is seen supportive measures whose main purpose is to build up sufficient support for all pupils with special educational needs. The research study analyses six articles dealing with the use of teacher assistants as a main support-ive measure in the educational process. It is particularly focused on the identification and description of factors affecting the implementation of a support program, its benefits and deficiencies.

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