Publication details

Out of the Paris Conference : a step into exploring practicebased research in Gestalt therapy



Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source British Gestalt Journal
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Keywords Gestalt therapy; psychotherapy research; training; self-awareness
Attached files
Description In this paper, the four conveners of the Paris Conference (May 2017) tell us why and how a research tradition in Gestalt therapy is starting to grow: the uniqueness and relevance of Gestalt therapy merits joining the psychotherapy research field to receive legitimation and the Gestalt community has already undertaken good research projects and achieved valuable results. The Gestalt community is now mobilised and the success of the Paris Conference seems to be a turning point. The authors continue by discussing how research can fit with Gestalt anthropology and show how this emerging tradition is connected with and part of the wider field of contemporary psychotherapy research. Finally, they focus on the training and development of the reflexive awareness of the therapist, advocating a more research-oriented attitude.

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