Publication details

Tungsten mineralization in quartz veins at the Cetoraz deposit, Czech Republic



Year of publication 2018
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description The small Cetoraz W-deposit is related to the Pacov two mica orthogneiss body, which is surrounded by biote and sillimanite-biotite paragneisses.Ore mineralization is represented by scheelite and two generations of ferberite. Presence of garnet and sillimanite in assemblage with wolframite and scheelite in quartz veins is typical for this locality. These minerals are associated with minor amount of pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, native bismuth and secondary minerals of W and Bi. Unusual presence of garnet, gahnite, and sillimanite in greisens, together with structural deformation in both microscopic and macroscopic scale, support the multi-stage magmatic-metamorphic evolution of the original W-greisen and quartz veins.

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