Publication details

Creative Centers and Incubators: Case Study Creative Center Brno.

Title in English Creative Centers and Incubators: Case Study Creative Center Brno


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference XXI. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách. Sborník příspěvků.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Keywords cultural and creative industries; creative centre; creative incubator; Creative Centre Brno; Czech Republic
Description Paper discusses the phenomenon of incubation in the field of cultural and creative industries. After the theoretical anchoring, attention is paid to the upcoming Creative Centre Brno project, which should include a creative incubator. This case study aims to analyze the creative environment of Brno in connection with the environment in which the project should be implemented. The selected locality of Cejl is being discussed. Based on results area seems to be ideal. The study further describes the project development, including the challenges and potential pitfalls for implementation. Results showed that the creative industries potential in Brno is considerable. The implementation of the project would mean not only development of the creative industries but also development of locality. Findings show that the project was realizable in the premises of the former ward; which would revive the brownfield. Another positive is further revitalization of the Brno Bronx as well as the creation of space for creative class employment opportunities. The arrival of a creative class could help to remove the sticker of the dangerous site that Cejl has. Also it is a challenge to integrate the Roma population into the designed project. The integration of local authorities is also worrying.
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