Publication details

Fractionation of tourmaline in the Lhenice lepidolite pegmatite

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Year of publication 2018
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description The lepidolite-subtype pegmatite at Lhenice is a member of the South-Bohemian pegmatite field (Novák & Cempírek, 2010); the nearest rare-element pegmatites include Lhenice II, Nová Ves and Chvalovice I and II. All pegmatites are characterized by high Li and P contents and similar mineral composition (elbaite, schorl, biotite, K-feldspar, lepidolite). The Lhenice pegmatite is moderate-sized and highly fractionated, with abundant lepidolite, elbaite, amblygonite and cassiterite. Tourmaline samples were analysed using EMPA and LA-ICP-MS. Primary, metasomatic and recrystallized tourmaline generations were characterized.
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