Publication details

Paradoxy české recepce současné ruské literatury (Gluchovskij, Rubina, Vodolazkin, Silajev)

Title in English Paradoxes of the Czech Reception of Contemporary Russian Literature (Glukhovsky, Rubina, Vodolazkin, Silayev)

ŠAUR Josef

Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Kontexty literární vědy VIII
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Russia; literature; reception; translation; Glukhovsky; Rubina; Vodolazkin; Silayev
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Description The paper examines the Czech reception of contemporary Russian literature, specifically concerning the example of four selected authors and the attention which the newest translations of their works into the Czech language have received. It appears that the reception of contemporary Russian literature in the Czech environment is unsystematic and the editorial offices of cultural as well as literary magazines do not review new translations from Russian literature regularly but rather randomly. In the Czech environment, Glukhovsky is noticed only by sci-fi fans even though the author presents himself differently. Although Rubina has been translated into Czech since the late 1980s, she is still an unknown author in our country. Similarly, Vodolazkin who has entered the literature only recently has gained deserved success in Russia but has not attracted attention. On the contrary, Silayev’s short novel about the struggles of Moscow anti-fascists with nationalists at the turn of the millennium has been accepted by an extensive review, despite the fact that from a literary point of view it is only marginal work.

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