Publication details

Indiánskou stopou aneb Názvy obratlovců přejaté z jazyků původních obyvatel Ameriky 2. / Indian Traces: Names of Vertebrates Adopted from the Languages of the Original Inhabitants of America 2.



Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Živa
Keywords Ondřej Pivoda
Description Second volume of this article is focused on an etymological analysis of Czech names of mammals (rodents, cetaceans and ungulates), borrowed from the native languages of Americas. An analysis notices both taxonomic relationships between the mammalian species and linguistic, mainly etymological, relationships between their names. Author of this article searches for the original meanings of the names and reveals the ways these borrowings were implemented into the Czech language. The most frequent sources of the borrowings of Czech zoonyms in this volume are Tupi-guaraní and Algonquinian languages.

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