Publication details

Nový duální inhibitor AT1 receptorů a vazopeptidáz (LCZ 696) a studie PARADIGM HF

Title in English New dual inhibitor of AT1 receptors and vasopeptidase (LCZ 696) anf the PARADIGM HF study


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Intervenční a akutní kardiologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords hypertension; heart failure; LCZ696; PARADIGM-HF
Description New dual antagonist of angiotensin II receptor (ARB) and neprilysin (NEP) is already aproved and registered for the treatment ofheart failure. The effect is due to favorite clinical effects of ARB and experimental effects of the inhibition of degradation of natriureticpeptides. The first big clinical trial in hypertension has shown a huge hypotensive effect and a clinical trial in heart failurewith preserved ejection fraction a decrease of NT-proBNP. Clinical trial PARADIGM-HF in patients with decreased ejection fractionand high natriuretric peptides was preliminary stopped due to a clear clinical benefit of LCZ696 if compared with enalapril. Thecardiovascular mortality was decreased by 20 %, the first hospitalisation for heart failure by 21 %. The PARAGON-HF clinical trialin patients with preserved ejection fraction is just running.

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