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Řízení třídy studenty učitelství a provázejícími učiteli: dotazníkové šetření

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Title in English Classroom Management Strategies of Student Teachers and Their Mentors: A Survey Study

VLČKOVÁ Kateřina

Year of publication 2018
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

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Description Classroom management (CM) can be viewed as a system of strategies employed by a teacher to foster an environment where learning can occur. Teacher´s effective CM leads to student’s high achievement and contributes to (novice) teacher’s remaining in the profession. Two dimensions of CM can be distinguished: (a) behaviour management is directed at both preventing misbehaviour and reaction to misbehaviour as well, whereas (b) instructional management is aimed at well planned lessons and includes aspects of classroom life such as establishing teaching goals, using instructional methods, and monitoring students' work. These dimensions can be measured by Behaviour and Instructional Management Scale (Martin & Sass, 2010). In our study we used Czech adaptation of BIMS administered to 142 student teachers at their long-term practice and their 123 mentor teachers in lower secondary schools. Teachers reported stronger BM than students. There were no differences in IM.
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