Publication details

T. G. Masaryk i slavjanstvo. K analizu dualizma zapadničestva i slavjanofilstva v russkom soznanii.

Title in English Masaryk and Slavonic question. To the analysis of dualism of Westernism and Slavophilism in the Russian consciousness.


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Filosofskij polilog
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Slavonic question; Masaryk
Description A prominent and permanent theme in T. G. Masaryks lifetime work was the so-called Russian and Slavonic question. When Masaryk first visited Russia in the spring of 1887 and then again in 1888, he had already been well acquainted with Russian culture and lifestyle. His third visit to Russia took place in 1910 and the fourth in 1917–1918. Before the outbreak of WWI, Masaryk expressed his opinions on Russia in his Russia and Europe (1913), his most extensive work. In this treatment, Masaryks long-term relationship to Russian culture, history and thought culminated and he proved his knowledge of Russian cultural and political situation. The immensely valuable informational content of the text has not become outdated and it can still serve as a basic textbook for the study of Russian intellectual history. Starting in the 1870s, Masaryk attempted to find the essence of Russian thought. His critique was directed at two fundamental aspects of Russian spiritual life – extreme conservatism (theocracy) and extreme anarchism (nihilism, terrorism).
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