Publication details

Měření indexu pracovní schopnosti u starších pracovníků v ČR

Title in English Work ability index among ageing Czech republic workers


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pracovní lékařství
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords age management ; working ability; work ability index; WAI; older workers; labour care
Description Global processor of work force ageing causes significant economic ans social consequences. One of effective interventions, which should make easier active performance for th employees at work up to the retirement age, is the concept of working ability. It also includes an objective measurement of working ability based on work ability index. The autors aimed at measuring the WAI index performed in the Czech Republic workers and to compare the Czech group with results of the Dutch study from 2013. The WAI in the Czech version represented the tool of investigation. The survey included 361 respondents from six enterprises and organizations in banking, state administration, public health, industry and 60 unempolyed persons. Thedata weere collected from September 2014 to Februar 2015. The data were evaluated in the Statistica CZ 12 program.

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