Publication details

The Language and Trade Mark Protection


STAVINOHA Vlastislav

Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Dny práva 2017: Část I. Právo a jazyk
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access sborníku
Keywords Trade Marks; Nice Classification; Similarity and Identity; TMclass; Similarity Tool; Canon Criteria; European Union Intellectual Property Office
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Description This article deals with the role of language in trade mark protection. According to the meaning of goods and services, they are in the NICE classification divided into 45 classes, which plays an important role for the trade mark registration purposes. Furthermore, the issue of identity, similarity and dissimilarity between goods or services and the relevance of the so called “Canon criteria” will be discussed. Finally, a short introduce of useful tools which are used during the registration process and which helps to reveal the real meaning of goods or services in question will be provided.
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