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Věcná příslušnost k rozhodování sporů z veřejnoprávních smluv – praktické otázky dualismu práva

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Title in English Subject-matter jurisdiction for decision making on disputes from public contracts - practical issues of dualism of law


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Web Repozitář MU
Keywords public contract; dispute; public law; private law; legal dualism; subject-matter jurisdiction; administrative body; court
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Description With regard to the means of protection of subjective rights, the article deals with the issue of contractual disputes , in which it is problematic to determine whether this is dispute from a public contract which belongs to administrative body jurisdiction, or, conversely, dispute to be decided directly by a civil court. The article deals with the consequences of including these border disputes in the jurisdiction of one or other public authority for the level of protection of the subjective rights.
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