Publication details

Zásada zákonnosti jako ústavní princip nullum crimen sine lege

Title in English The Principle of Legality as Constitutional Principle Nullum Crimen sine Lege

HEJČ David

Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Bratislavské právnické fórum 2018: Ústavné princípy v rozhodovacej praxi správnych orgánov
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access sborníku
Keywords Legality; nullum crimen sine lege; offense; factual basis; secondary legislation; ordinance; generally binding municipal ordinance
Description The article deals with the principle of legality within administrative punishment in the form of the constitutional principle nullum crimen sine lege, according to which there is no crime without law. Attention is paid to the partial principle nullum crimen sine lege scripta, under which conditions of liability for an offense, general and specific features of an offense, may be laid down by law only. In this context, the article distinguishes between different forms of factual basis of na offense, which refer to secondary legislation and also the nature of secondary legislation itself, which becomes the source of administrative liability on the basis of the reference contented in factual basis of na offense.

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