Publication details

1984–2084. Faux-semblants révélés, émotions refoulées : l ’amour, la haine et l ’indifférence a l'age totalitaire chez George Orwell et Boualem Sansal

Title in English 1984–2084. Revealed Subterfuges, Suppressed Emotions : Love, Hatred and Indifference at the Totalitarian Age in George Orwell and Boualem Sansal


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Philologica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords George Orwell; Boualem Sansal; 1984;2084; Fin du monde; emotions; fear; love; hatred; indifference
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Description In our paper, we would like to examine in depth several few aspects concerning the emotions and the love life in the work by Boualem Sansal 2084. La fin du monde and compare this work with its classical hypotext by George Orwell, 1984. Sansal ’s work, published in 2015, having received several awards, represents a modern rewriting of Orwell, updating the context of totalitarianism in the direction of the rule of islam. In order to analyze the role of emotions in both texts, we proceed in three steps. Firstly, we set a comparative framework of both novels, pinpointing a short characteristics of totalitarian and post-totalitarian societies and their common features, as well as the role of language and its modifications in these societies. Secondly, we study the collective emotions such as fear, love and hatred, together with what they imply. Thirdly, we observe how profoundly the individual affectivity can be determining for the main character and his destiny.
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