Publication details

Gardens, cities and people - How to assess urban gardening

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Year of publication 2018
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Citation DOSTALÍK, Jan, Radoslava KRYLOVÁ, Vojtěch PELIKÁN, Lucie SOVOVÁ and Zbyněk ULČÁK. Gardens, cities and people - How to assess urban gardening. In XXIII conference of the Society for Human Ecology - Navigating Complexity - Human-environmental Solutions for a Challening Future. 2018. ISBN 978-80-904591-4-4.
Description This paper presents a methodology tool that standardizes the assessment of gardening sites and, at the same time, aims at representing the most user-friendly approach to easily assess a wide range of these specific areas. This methodology is based on a multidisciplinary approach and evaluates territory in three perspectives. The first looks at urban gardening in urban planning. The second perspective analyses the social benefits of gardening community and the economic aspects of urban gardening including its contribution to food security. The third aspect examines the environmental aspects of gardening sites, including their contribution to biodiversity support.
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