Publication details

Ландшафтное картирование с применением ГИС и данных Google Earth

Title in English Landscape mapping using gis and Google Earth data


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source ????????? ? ????????? ???????
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords mapping of the natural landscape, geoinformation technologies, exploded geographical data, digital layers
Description The article demonstrates a compilation procedure of a choric natural landscape map at a scale of 1:2 500 000 using laboratory mapping. A specific feature of the mapped area of one of the Republic Sakha‘s districts is a relative lack of detailed thematic maps. The available data at lower resolution were mostly used to create componental information layers in the GIS. Before folding up into the final map of the natural landscape, they had to be corrected from the viewpoint of geometry and content. Digital thematic layers were georeferenced using GIS tools with respect to the reference district topographic base. The final river network complemented with streams and water bodies identified from other map sources was drawn on-screen above the topographic base (containing contour lines, elevation points and basic river network). In the next steps, the map making process was significantly improved by using data available on the Google Earth web site. Using Google Earth 2D and 3D imagery, the extent of alluvial plains was drawn. The information in the scientific literature and on the Google Earth was applied for identification of foothill glacial landforms and for specifying the main types of the geological and geomorphological units of the district. The same source was used for the compilation of the natural vegetation map demonstrating the district‘s moisture features and vertical stages of climate and soils. Digital data layers were gradually folded up in the GIS into the district synthetic map of the natural landscape and identified landscape units were integrated into the regional classification system of Siberian landscapes.

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