Publication details

Konstrukce identity v kultuře a proti ní : Autobiografie Janet Frameové

Title in English Identity construction within one’s culture and against it : Janet Frame’s autobiography


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Bohemica litteraria
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords autobiography; identity; narrative; self-concept; Janet Frame
Description The paper examines Janet Frame’s three-volume autobiography (To the Is-Land, An Angel at My Table, and The Envoy from Mirror City), focusing on its portrayal of the protagonist’s self-construction. Using a narrative psychological conception of the self (esp. by Dan McAdams) and constructivist theories of autobiographical practices (e.g. Bruner, Eakin), the paper demonstrates the ways in which the depicted search for personal identity in Frame’s autobiography interplays with the texts’ narrative strategies, and relates this identity search to the cultural determination of self-construction and models of identity available in a given society.

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