Publication details

How Do Elementary Students in Turkey and the Czech Republic Perceive the Game Concept? A Phenomenographic Study With Draw and Write Technique



Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Education and Training Studies
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Keywords elementary students; real gsames; digital games; phenomenographic study; draw and write technique
Description The purpose of this study is to compare the perception concerning game concept of 4th grade students in Turkey and the Czech Republic. 19 fourth grade elementary students in the Czech Republic and 40 fourth grade elementary students in Turkey were selected by criterion and convenience sampling. They responded to a specific question "What is the meaning of game for you?" effectively through writing and drawing. Phenomenographic analysis was used to analyze the data. As a result, it is detected that fourth grade elementary students in Turkey and the Czech Republic perceive the game concept as real games more than digital games. Although the two groups have different cultural characteristics they drew and wrote the same games in some main categories. In addition, students in Turkey drew and wrote digital games less frequently than the students in the Czech Republic.

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