Publication details

Generations and Stability of Support for the EU : An Analysis of Six-Wave Panel Data from The Netherlands



Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source International Journal of Public Opinion Research
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Keywords political attitudes; generational differences; European Union; political trust; panel surveys
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Description As the Brexit referendum has demonstrated, public support for the European Union (EU) is important for the future of the EU. The existing research shows that young citizens tend to be more supportive of the EU than old citizens. How stable, however, is this support? Do individuals who grew up in a strongly integrated EU have more stable support for the EU? Analysis of six-wave panel data from The Netherlands reveals that support for the EU is about equally stable among all generations, young and old. Given the higher level of support for the EU among younger generations, these findings suggest that support for the EU may increase as older, more skeptical generations are replaced by younger generations.

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