Publication details

Characteristics of Judgments of the EU Court of Justice

Title in English Vlastnosti rozsudků Soudního dvora EU


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Proceedings of the 3rd Law & Political Science Conference, Lisbon
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access sborníku
Keywords European Union; procedural law; judicial process; res judicata; precedent; precedential effect; temporal limitation of judgments; procedural aspects
Description The Court of Justice of the European Union is an independent judicial organ of the European Union. Its decisions possess usual characteristics and procedural aspects that judicial decisions in general have. In this respect we may consider res judicata principle, precedential effect and temporal effect of Court’s decisions. However, some of these characteristics are modified due to the specific nature and aim of judicial process on the EU level. The aim of the paper will be to define the aforementioned characteristics of the Court of Justice decisions, to analyze them on the basis of Court’s jurisprudence and to deal with them in depth in the context of EU judiciary.

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