Publication details

Identification and targeted sequencing of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) genes responsible for nodulation process and nitrogen fixation

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Year of publication 2018
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Legumes are plants, which are able to get nitrogen, except ions occurring in the soil, by fixation of atmospheric nitrogen using bacteria able to convert this molecular nitrogen to ammonium. The efficiency of nitrogen fixation differs not only between species but also between individuals within the species, and this phenomenon has been explained as a result of polymorphism (SNP, InDel) in the associated genes among the genotypes. The aim of our study is the identification and evaluation of polymorphisms in the candidate genes, which could be used as molecular markers for determining genotypes with good nitrogen fixing ability, and finally, these markers will be used for a construction of a SNP chip allowing genotyping of samples in a short time. Plant material includes a population of forty-eight genotypes of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.; varieties Start, Global, Vltavín and Columbia) divided into two groups based on their nitrogen fixing ability, DNAs from these samples were enhanced using The Roche NimbleGen SeqCap EZ enrichment system to enrich targeted regions (95 kbp in total) of the 17 candidate genes. Enriched regions were sequenced using Illumina NextSeq 500. The results of this study include the identification of genotypes of red clover with different nitrogen fixing ability, acquisition of 6791 polymorphisms (SNPs, InDels), statistical analysis of the allele frequencies in the population and validation of some polymorphisms (InDels).
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