Publication details

Obitelj Zrinski u hrvatskome nacionalnom imaginariju 19. stoljeća

Title in English Zrinski Family in the Croatian National Imaginarium of the 19th Century


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference XIII. Međunarodni kroatistički znanstveni skup: Zbornik radova
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Zrinski; national imaginarium; national ideology; 19th century; Yugoslavism; Pravaštvo
Description Zrinski hold a prominent position in the Croatian national imaginarium of the 19th century created by the leaders of the national movement and many artists, particularly writers. What are the fundamental features of the image of Zrinski family within this imaginarium? How do these attributes differ depending on the political-ideological stances of their creators? These are the questions the author strives to answer on the basis of analysis of political writings and speeches of the ideologists of Illyrism, the original Yugoslavism and the original „Pravaštvo“ as well as of numerous works of Croatian writers of Romanticism and Realism who were generally adherents of some of the mentioned Croatian national-integrational ideologies of the 19th century.
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