Publication details

Zamyšlení nad unijní regulací automobilových emisí

Title in English Reflection about EU's legal regulation regarding vehicle emissions


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Keywords Euro 6; NEDC; RDE; vehicles; WLTP
Description Due to the Dieselgate scandal the field of vehicle emissions has been going through drastic changes lately. Therefore, this paper’s goal is to bring short contemplation about possible future of EU’s legal regulation regarding vehicle emissions. Firstly, there will be analysis of current legal regulation regarding this topic. But for complete and comprehensive view of this topic there will be brief historical overview. This paper will discuss not only historical aspects of vehicle regulation, focused mainly on European emission standards, but also new European emission standards, which should come into force in year 2020. The paper will also analyse legal aspects of the old New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) and new Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP). The last section of this paper will contain considerations de lege ferenda on this topic.

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