Publication details

Centra duševního zdraví – zplnomocňování klientů v psychiatrické praxi?

Title in English Mental health centres – client ewpowerment in psychiatric practice?


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Psychoterapie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web článek
Keywords mental health centre; recovery; empowerment; open dialogue; FACT model; case management
Description The article is focused on several models of multidisciplinary community-based care for people diagnosed with severe mental illness that are important within the current mental health care reform and mental health centres implementation in the Czech Republic. These models are case management and psychosocial rehabilitation conceived as basic elements of community care for people with severe mental illness and then FACT model and Open Dialogue as specific developments of the case management work. The text offers a critical reflection of these approaches bases on theoretical literature as well as authors’ practical experience in community outreach teams. Authors are viewing the models by the prism of recovery conceived not only as psychiatric symptom remission but rather as a deeply personal and unique process. The text captures relations of the mentioned models to the ideas of recovery and especially empowerment of people diagnosed with severe mental illness. Both authors work as psychologists in community outreach services and endorse dialogic practice.

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