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„Za socialistické vlastenectví a proti buržoasnímu kosmopolitismu.“ Nebezpečí kosmopolitismu, nedostatky, krize a náprava prizmatem české hudební publicistiky v letech 1948 až 1959.
Title in English | „For the socialist patriotism and against the bourgeois cosmopolitism“. Danger of Cosmopolitism, Deficiencies, Crisis and Remedy through the Prism of Czech Music Journalism between 1948 and 1959. |
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2018 |
Type | Chapter of a book |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | |
Description | The chapter presents an attempt to analyze the metamorphoses of Czech music culture that took place in reliance on the social and political progress between 1948 and 1959. The development of frequent terms and concepts, symptomatic for the period communication, is observed on the specific example of Czech music journalism of the selected time span, especially the evolutionary motion of conviction statements expressed by these terms. Special attention is paid to monitoring the progressing adoption of Soviet cultural and political terminology as well as stylistics and syntax of the period Marxist biased pamphlets. |
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