Publication details

Afázie očima veřejnosti

Title in English Aphasia through the eyes of the public


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Listy klinické logopedie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords aphasia; awareness; acquired neurogenic communication disorder; stroke
Description The paper presents the results of research, which between 2016 and 2017 focused on informing the professional and lay public in the field of aphasia and the possibilities of raising of awareness of aphasia and its intervention. The solution of the problem was motivated by the effort to analyse the basic awareness of the term aphasia. In order to achieve the research objectives was used the questionnaire survey method. In the research were included two groups of respondents in the total number of 112 (representatives of lay and professional public). The results support considerations of inadequate awareness of aphasia, its occurrence, symptoms, associated difficulties, contexts of other illnesses, therapies and basic communication approaches to aphasia. The results of the survey contributed to the creation of an electronic version of the information leaflets available on the website.
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