Publication details

Živé obrazy jako metoda výuky dějepisu: Analytické zobecnění poznatků z praxe

Title in English Live pictures as a method in history instruction: Analytical generalisation of practice findings


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia paedagogica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords didactics of history; didactic case study; live picture; analytical generalisation; replication; instrumentalisation; scenicisation; expression; authentification; evidence; contrafactual thinking; fictional world
Description The authors explore the use of a drama method called live pictures in history lessons. They concentrate on a more general issue dealing with the constitution of a relationship between the pupil’s subjective experience and the discipline’s content through a teaching method. In that process the pupil’s experience is enriched by disciplinary knowledge and becomes instrumental. The authors consider this issue to be a “blind spot” in teaching research, as it does not pay enough attention to the so-called relational changes connected with the process of lexical expression of disciplinary knowledge. The text uses the methodological potential of didactic case studies based on Yin’s concept of analytical generalisation and replication of theoretical constructs. The main aim of the text is to replicate the theoretical constructs “scenicisation”, “expression”, “fictional world”, “a way of verifying facts” and “contrafactual thinking”, which help to analyse and explain how the pupil’s experience becomes instrumental by using the live pictures method in a particular learning environment. The findings of the analysis led to a proposal that Goodman’s theoretical construct “expression” should be extended as discussed at the end of the text.

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