Publication details

Automating mixing of the sample for CE-FA by means of CE



Year of publication 2018
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description In some CE applications, such as enzymatic or derivatization reaction, the sample is mixed directly in the capillary. So, capillary serves not only as separation tube/column, but also as mixing and/or reacting cell – wherein the analytes are labeled or are subjected to an enzymatic reaction to produce a product which is further detected and quantitated. This leads to the other advantages such as even smaller sample consumption besides full automation. The main objective of this study was to test methodological approach of sample preparation directly in capillary with long injection-plug. As mixing inside the capillary based on diffusion is generic, robust and rapid, the principle of transversal diffusion of laminar flow profiles was adopted. In this study, several parameters such as injection parameters, number and length of injected zones and incubation period were considered and tested. By optimizing the entire process it is possible to achieve effective mixing based on diffusion even for long injection plug.
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