Publication details

Bolesti dolní části zad a pánve v těhotenství

Title in English Low back pain and pelvic girdle pain in pregnancy


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Neurologie pro praxi
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Citation ADAMOVÁ, Blanka. Bolesti dolní části zad a pánve v těhotenství (Low back pain and pelvic girdle pain in pregnancy). Neurologie pro praxi. Olomouc: Solen, 2018, vol. 19, No 5, p. 343-348. ISSN 1213-1814.
Keywords pregnancy; pain; pelvic girdle
Description Pregnancy has a profound effect on a woman´s body including musculoskeletal system, specifically the axial skeleton. The developmentof low back pain and/or pelvic girdle pain (lumbopelvic pain) is a frequent consequence. Lumbopelvic pain has impacton the quality of life for women and is the frequent cause of sick leave. The prevalence of pelvic girdle pain ranges from 20% to65%, the prevalence of low back pain during pregnancy is about 50%. Lumbopelvic pain can be divided into three categories:low back pain, pelvic girdle pain, combined low back pain and pelvic girdle pain. The aim of this article is to summarize the recentdata about clinical manifestation, diagnostics and management of lumbopelvic pain in pregnancy.
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