Publication details

Jak se vám líbí. Komunikační strategie českých beletristických nakladatelství

Title in English As You Like It : The Communication Strategies of Czech Belletristic Publishers


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Slovo a smysl
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web článek - open access
Keywords book publishing; book marketing; social networks; democratization; lifestyle
Attached files
Description In this paper, I focus on the changed dynamics of the book publisher-reader relationship. I built my argument on the assumption that, in parallel with socio-technological changes, the previous role of book publishers as necessarily invisible workers of Literature has changed. In newly defined public arenas on social networks, publishers discuss their books with readers, share their successes, challenge and persuade each other. The present study is of qualitative design with regard to data and analytical procedure used. That is, I work with pictures and conversations from book publishers’ official profiles on Facebook, as well as information gathered by semi-structured interviews with publishing professionals. In my analysis, I assess the proportion of personalized photos, investigate various ways books are presented, and focus on how publishers address their readers lexically. I offer interpretation regarding which publishers’ strategies could be read as a sign of literary discourse marketization, or its democratization, and why.

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