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Charakteristika skupiny učitelů-respondentů výzkumné sondy s názvem Současné trendy hudebně teoretické výuky v základních uměleckých školách České republiky

Title in English The characteristics of group of teachers-respondents based on research survey titled The current trends in teaching music theory education in Primary Art Schools in the Czech Republic


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Musica viva in schola XXVI.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords research; teacher; teaching practice; Primary Arch School; music theory
Description The topic of this contribution is related to the research activities within the team of Department of Music of the Faculty of Education MU. In 2018 a research was carried out into the field of music of Primary Art Schools. The theoretical reflection focused on the educational content of the teaching subject music theory. The contribution describes in detail the group of teachers-providers of the real school education who participated in the research survey and completed an online questionnaire.
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