Publication details

Study of thermal and phase stability of didymium and iron containing CoSb3 based skutterudites

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BROŽ Pavel ZELENKA František VŘEŠŤÁL Jan BURŠÍK Jiří ROGL Peter Franz ROGL Gerda

Year of publication 2018
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description CoSb3 based skutterudites containing doping elements are promising candidates for thermoelectric aplications.The presence of Nd and Pr (their mixture known as didymium (DD)) or other elements like Sr, Ba, Yb as dopants in skutterudites leads to high efficient thermoelectric materials but the volatile elements (Sb, Sr, Yb, etc.) can evaporate at operation conditions, leading to structure changes, negatively influencing the thermoelectric properties. To gain information on the thermal and phase stability of DD and Fe containing CoSb3 based skutterudites, measurements by means of thermal analysis and Knudsen effusion mass spectrometry were performed.
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