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Didaktické materiály používané při výuce hudební nauky na základních uměleckých školách v České republice dle výzkumu katedry HV na PdF MU v roce 2018

Title in English Didactic materials used in teaching Music at elementary art schools in the Czech Republic according to research at Department of Music at Faculty of Education of Masaryk University in 2018


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Musica viva in schola XXVI.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords Research; elementary art school; music; didactic materials
Description The article deals with didactic materials used in elementary art schools in the Czech Republic in the study subject of Music. The didactic materials are divided into textbooks, songbooks and other didactic materials used by both teachers and pupils. The data was obtained by the method of questionnaire survey in the framework of the research Current trends in musical theoretical teaching at elementary art schools in the Czech Republic. The research focused on the education in the musical field of elementary art schools. The purpose of this research was to look at the content of the curriculum and the teaching methods used. The aim of the research was then to find out the current state of this issue and propose possible improvements of the quality of teaching, for example through the preparation of didactic materials.
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