Publication details

Devonian sedimentary rocks tectonically incorporated into the Brno Massif, eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif



Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Geologické výzkumy na Moravě a ve Slezku
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords tectonics; Devonian; Brunovistulicum; Brno Massif; Variscan orogeny
Description Th e Devonian clastic rocks in the northern vicinity of Brno are a segment of the north-south oriented Babí lom zone, cutting central part of the Brno Massif. Although the Devonian rocks form a seemingly isolated relict, the area of southern slope of Strážná hill (369 m a. s. l.) south of Lelekovice gives us key information for understanding the whole Babí lom zone structure: 1) Th e Devonian sediments are lithologically variable, with shale, siltstones, sandstones, and quartzitic conglomerates, which enables us to recognize bedding and younging. 2) Bedding changes its orientation: it is dipping towards the east in the west, vertical in the middle, and overturned with dip towards the west in the east. 3) Th e Devonian rocks are limited partially primarily with transgressive boundary (in the SW with relict of fossil weathering) and partially tectonically (in the E and NW). Th ese facts can be interpreted by the following explanation: 1) Th e Devonian beds form a recumbent fold, which is most likely an anticline with axial surface dipping towards the west. 2) Th e fold structure probably originated by dragging alongside a thrust fault and is a lower part of a tectonic sheet. 3) Th e Babí lom ridge may represent an upper part of the sheet. A segmentation of the structure is a result of subsequent brittle faulting.

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