Publication details

Vymezení objektů památkové péče v návaznosti na omezení práv vlastníků

Title in English Objects of heritage protection in relation to restrictions on owners' rights


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Cofola 2018: Část VII. Památková péče v právních vztazích
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access sborníku
Keywords Cultural Monument; Property Rights; Movable Property; Immovable Property
Description The paper deals with the definition of the objects of heritage protection in time. It starts with the constitutional background of the issue and continues with a search for the question of how the concept of cultural monument influences the degree of restriction of the owner and what development might be desirable in this respect, so that the monument protection is really effective, but at the same time the rights of the owners are protected to the greatest extent possible.
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