Publication details

Cukrovarnický koncern Viktora Stoupala v letech první republiky

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Title in English Viktor Stoupaĺs Sugar Refinery Company durinf the Times of the First Czechoslovak Republic

ČAPKA František

Year of publication 2018
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description This chapter shows this extraordinary Moravian figure from his first steps in the Agrarian Party until he gained his reputation as "the Moravian margrave" and "the powerful man of Moravia". He was know for his activities in sugar refining, sugar beet production and his engagement in the Agrarian Bank. Gradually, he built up the largest and richest sugar refining group of companies in all of the Czech lands. That gained him a place at the top of the Agrarian Party. He started his business by investing the capital of the bank into sugar refineries in Southern Moravia.
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