Publication details

Classification of Pondoland Scarp Forests


MUCINA Ladislav ABBOTT Anthony TICHÝ Lubomír

Year of publication 2018
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description The Pondoland Scarp Forests (limited to the Wild Coast of the Eastern Cape Province and southwestern seaboards of KwaZulu-Natal) are probably the most valuable forest type of SouthAfrica due to the relict character of the current extent and high plant endemism. This chapter present the first classification of the forest communities of this canyon-dominated region. Seven habitat-level communities have been recognised on basis of 47 full-floristic releve's. They have been grouped into three forest subtypes, reflecting the geographic position (Port St Johns vs Umtamvuna-Oribi area) as well as gradients strongly linked to topography. These forests are typical subtropical forests, very complex in structural terms, and also species rich. They deserve focused protection in greater extent than they are enjoying today.
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