Publication details

Od jeviště k hledišti... (a zpět). K otázkám komunikace divadelní inscenace s dětským divákem (příspěvek ve sborníku).

Title in English From the stage to the auditorium ... (and back). The communication of a theatre performance with a child's viewer

JINDRA Miroslav

Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference X. studentská vědecká konference Katedry českého jazyka a literatury
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords theater; theater communication; theater for children; children's theater; children's viewer
Description The paper deals with the communication of a child viewer with a theater performance. Based on artistic expressive means of theater and developmental psychology, it describes the specifics of theater work with children in different age-related development periods. The theater is an artistic type characterized by its synthetic nature. It includes other art (literary, artistic, musical, dance, etc.), and its process of communication with the recipient is much more demanding than in other artistic disciplines. Especially if we realize that this communication process is not direct but mediated by various theater components (dramaturgy, acting, stage design, etc.), which are further subordinated to a director's conception. Theater for Children is a specific category of theater art, whose communication means should be in line with children's developmental and aesthetic values.
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