Publication details

The millimagnitude variability of the HgMn star phi Phe

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Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords stars: abundances; stars: chemically peculiar; stars: individual: HD 11753; stars: variables: general
Description The horizontally inhomogeneous chemical composition of the atmospheres of the chemically peculiar stars causes wavelength redistribution of the spectral energy in areas with increased abundance of heavier elements. Due to the rotation of the star, this usually leads to strictly periodic photometric variability in some spectral regions. We used abundance maps of the HgMn star phi Phe (HD 11753), obtained by means of the Doppler imaging, to model its photometric variability. Comparing the light curves derived from abundance maps obtained at different times, we also study how the time evolution of the surface spots affects this variability.
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