Publication details

Dopad rozšířené reality na bezpečnostní opatření při pořádání eventů

Title in English Impact of augmented reality to security precautions during the events


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Krizové řízení a řešení krizových situací 2018. Sborník příspěvků z konference
Keywords Event; augmented reality; Pokémon Go
Description This paper theoretically examines the influence and impact of augmented reality to organizing events. Events have always brought a variety of risks during their all phases that need to be analyzed and prepare for them, or apply preventive measures. One risk has always been in augmented reality, which is not given sufficient attention. Now there is a massive influence on the current state of augmented reality via smartphone users using different applications. Thus it tends to frequent confrontations among organized events with an impact of augmented reality as one of the possible risk factor.

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