Publication details

Study of self-organization in HiPIMS plasma, spoke merging and splitting

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Year of publication 2019
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation KLEIN, Peter, Jaroslav HNILICA, Francis LOCKWOOD-ESTRIN, James BRADLEY and Petr VAŠINA. Study of self-organization in HiPIMS plasma, spoke merging and splitting. In 7th International Conference on Advanced Plasma Technologies. 2019. ISBN 978-961-290-061-8.
Description High power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) is a promising physical vapour deposition (PVD) technique, utilizing short pulses (several 10 s of microseconds) to deliver the power into the discharge. It is characterized by a very high concentration of ions in the deposition flux and it does not create macro-particles, unlike the arc deposition process. HiPIMS plasma manifests a self-organization into the ionization zones called spokes, rotating above the racetrack area of the target (the race track being the area on the target with the highest erosion induced by the sputtering) in both clockwise and anticlockwise E cross B direction depending on current density.
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