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Ageing quiz : dynamika stereotypů spojených se stárnutím (sekundární analýza výběrových šetření)

Title in English Ageing quiz : A dynamics of stereotypes about ageing (secondary survey analysis)


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Stárnutí 2016 : sborník příspěvků 3. gerontologické mezioborové konference : 3. lékařská fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, Praha, 21.-22. října 2016
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web sborník
Keywords Ageing; aging; old age; seniors; stereotypes; myths; gerontological literacy
Description This work follows the imaging aging/age/seniors in quizzes (ie. Ageing / Aging Quiz), which can be found on the Internet. These quizzes are compiled from the most common ideas about age and aging that are usually tuned stereotyped or negatively and they are used for testing gerontological literacy whose importance grows because of aging of population. It is probable that the gerontological literate individual is better prepared for their own aging, and his attitude towards (current) seniors are less affected by the (negative) stereotypes. The aim of the presentation is to provide an analysis of myths discussed in foreign "Ageing Quiz" and presenting its Czech equivalent. The work is a secondary analysis of publicly available quizzes focused on perceptions and expectations about the old age. Oft-repeated assertions are confronted with literature and their validity or invalidity is also verified by secondary data analysis on the Czech population. It shows that some of the ideas about old age, aging and seniors are persistent myths. With aging often associated words like "most seniors," "almost all seniors" etc. are often used inappropriately, and their use is relative and homogenizing. Focus more attention on this issue and improve the gerontological literacy will be useful and necessary in future.
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