Publication details

Luxury tourists and their preferences: Perspectives in the Czech Republic


NOVOTNÁ Markéta KUNC Josef

Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Tourism : An International Interdisciplinary Journal
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Keywords luxury tourism; tourism demand; motivation; Czech Republic
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Description Within the tourism industry, luxury tourism is becoming a growing trend. Thanks to the generosity and willingness of affluent clients to pay, this form of tourism can also be understood as a vehicle for regional development and economic growth. However, to stimulate the decision-making process of luxury consumers, it is necessary to implement effective marketing strategies. Therefore, there is a need for further research in this special tourism segment and the motivation to choose luxury products. This study, based on the questionnaire survey, analyses the Czech luxury tourism market segment. Its aim is to reveal the intentions to buy luxury tourism products. The findings are compared with the results of similar foreign studies. The results suggest that Czech luxury tourists are different in comparison with the traditional European markets. Most of the Czech tourists are willing to pay considerably lower amounts of money for luxury holidays. The frequency of their luxury holidays is also significantly lower. In this respect, the Czechs fall behind the European luxury tourists.
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