Publication details

Souvislosti osobnosti a spirituální inteligence v pojetí Davida B. Kinga

Title in English The Relationship between Personality Traits and Spiritual Intelligence by David B. King


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Psychologické dny 2018. Hodnoty a psychologie : Reflexe procesu proměny hodnot v současné společnosti
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords spirituality; spiritual intelligence; personality
Description This study aimed to explore the relationships between spiritual intelligence and personality di-mensions of Big Five. Spirituality was conceptualized as spiritual intelligence according to D. B. King, and personality traits were examined by Big Five. King´s concept of spiritual intelligence consists of four dimensions: Critical existential thinking, Personal meaning production, Transcendental awareness, and Conscious state expansion. The research sample consisted of 91 university students (18 males, 71 females) aged 19 to 33 years; the mean of the age was 22 years. Two respondents did not specify their gender and age. The correlational analysis was used for the examination of the relationships between spiritual intelligence and personality traits. Significant correlations between openness and all the dimensions of spiritual intelligence were revealed. The linear regression analysis revealed that openness was a significant predictor for all the dimen-sions of spiritual intelligence. The strongest relationship was found between dimension Critical existential thinking (beta = 0.54; p = 0.01). After exclusion of the atheist respondents from the sample (which consisted mainly of Catholics and spiritual but not religious respondents), neuroticism positively correlated with Critical existential thinking. Emotional lability probably influences the way of experiencing spirituality.

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