Publication details

Molekulárně biologické a jiné testy používané v preventivním zubním lékařství

Title in English Molecul biological and other tests used in preventive dentistry


Year of publication 2019
Type Teaching aids, texts (including individual chapters in textbooks)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description The aim of this educational material is to introduce students to modern molecular biological tests that can be used in preventive dentistry. These tests include commercial kits for the assessment of risk of caries and periodontal diseases development. The principle of most methods is the amplification of the gene for bacterial 16SrRNA (most commonly) and thus detection and quantification of oral bacteria. Students practise to collect plaque and crevicular fluid samples and to fill in an accompanying application form. Subsequently, an external laboratory analysis of several samples will be performed and selected cariogenic bacteria will be determined. In the practical lessons, several sample final reports with laboratory findings will be presented and explained to the students so that they themselves are able to interpret them. Clinical picture and microbiological findings will also include characteristics of patient´s saliva; based on all this information the students will make a recommendation for a particular patient.
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